Technical Writing Company Specializing in Government Proposals
(903) 857-2458
e-mail: info.procom.us@gmail.com
Bid or Not to Bid? That Is the Question
whether or not to pursue a procurement opportunity, there are a mix of
factors -- some objective, others subjective -- to consider and weigh,
such as the following:
- Would
you be able to earn a reasonable profit?
While this consideration seems quite obvious -- performing a contract
at a loss is not the economic outcome most of us can afford -- there are
circumstances when pursuing an opportunity that may not be as
financially rewarding as you normally desire is actually advantageous.
Pursuing a financially smaller opportunity than you normally consider
could be worthwhile when a win could help you expand your proven scope
and breadth of services or be advantageous in other ways, such as
providing proven experience at a high profile facility. Submitting a
professional, complete proposal can also provide a thorough
introduction and background of the scope and expertise of your company
with an agency with which you want to establish a business relationship
or increase the breadth of an existing relationship. Procurement
opportunities can offer more than strictly economic potential.
- Do
you have proven experience and past performance for each of the service
requirements? List all of the
service/task/performance requirements. How does your proven experience
and past performance relate to these requirements? Is your experience
similar in size and scope to the proposed procurement? If there are
service areas or requirements wherein your company does not possess
relevant and proven experience and past performance, look to your key
personnel and see who might possess relevant experience. You may also
want to look to teaming partners and/or subcontractors to reflect
proven experience in all key service/task requirements.
- Do
you meet any set-aside restrictions established for the procurement?
For example, if the procurement is set-aside for (8)a firms, you must
possess an 8(a) certification to submit a proposal as the prime
contractor. If the procurement is set-aside for HUBZone firms, you must
possess HUBZone certification to submit a proposal as the prime. If you
do not meet any set-aside restrictions but are still interested in the
opportunity, you will need to search out potential prime contractors
who possess the required certifications and who would desire for you to
participate as a teaming, partnering, and/or subcontracting member.
- Do
you possess or have access to the resources to perform the contract
successfully if it is awarded to you?
Consider the resources -- financial, administrative, legal, material,
and human -- that will be needed for you to perform the contract if it
is awarded to you. For example, if a performance bond is a requirement,
verify that you have the necessary bonding capacity available. If you
would need a start-up loan or line of credit to establish the contract
after award, verify that these resources would be available to your
company. If the procurement requires that the customer be able to pay
you via credit card, if you cannot currently accept credit card
payments, you would need to establish that capability prior to contract
award -- and preferably have it already in place at the time of
proposal submittal. Entering into a teaming, partnering,
prime/subcontractor, or like relationship can reduce the burden of
necessary resources more proportionately among participants.
- How
knowledgeable are you about the procurement and the customer agency?
How long have you been monitoring this opportunity? Have you utilized
FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), SAM.gov, and like resources
to learn more about the history of the opportunity and the customer
agency? How familiar are you with the customer agency and their unique
requirements and preferences? How knowledegeable are you about your
potential competitors? What benefits do your company and proposed
approach bring to the customer agency?
When you do make a
"bid" decision, make
every effort reasonable to put your best foot forward in the proposal
so that, win or no win, you make a lasting and favorable impression on
the customer agency -- an impression that will make a positive impact
on your next submittal. |
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