A Technical Writing Company Specializing in Government Proposals
Phone: (903) 857-2458        e-mail: michelle.procom@gmail.com        e-mail: mike.procom@gmail.com


Ten Tips for Successfully Presenting Your Past Performance Record:
  1. Analyze RFP Sections L and M to determine the criteria and weights the Government will apply in evaluating your past performance.
  2. Respond to RFP by providing current, accurate, and complete past performance information, and describe its relevance.
  3. Don't hide relevant prior poor performance... instead, explain corrective actions accomplished. (Note: Merely promising improved performance is not enough.)
  4. List accurate telephone numbers and addresses of knowledgeable references.
  5. Make sure your teaming partners and subcontractors have good past performance records. (Note: Accurately describe the work your partners/subcontractors will do.)
  6. Respond accurately and completely to past performance deficiencies/weaknesses raised during negotiations. Avoid arguing; instead provide new information not available to the evaluators.
  7. Request a debriefing (even if you are the awardee) and ask how you were evaluated in past performance.
  8. Provide prompt and factual responses to Government "Report Cards" during contract performance.
  9. Maintain a current record of your company's performance in every contract and update it periodically.
  10. Remember: Today's performance is tomorrow's past performance!
The above list provided by Command Counsel, U.S. Army Materiel Command.

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